Evidence-Based Approach to Restoring Thyroid Health
Dr. Wilson has recently released (2014) his new book, Evidence-based Approach to Restoring Thyroid Health; This extensively referenced book will give doctors whole new avenues to approach the diagnosis and treatment of low thyroid function. Hundreds of scientific references are included that support the use of T3 in patients with normal thyroid blood tests. Prominent contributing authors include Michael Friedman, ND; Kent Holtorf, MD; David Brownstein, MD; Joseph Pizzorno, MD; Lara Pizzorno, MA. This book helps doctors maximize thyroid patient recovery rates by explaining T3 therapy for Wilson's Temperature Syndrome as well as evidence-based nutritional and botanical approaches to thyroid health. You will learn: The science behind Wilson's Temperature Syndrome Based on over 300 clinical studies supporting T3 hormone therapy Evidence-based nutritional and botanical treatments T3 therapy currently prescribed by over 2,000 physicians Includes Simplified T3 Protocol