Let's Talk About It - SEXUALITY: A Six Week Course (Teacher's Guide)
Purity is not just abstinence. Sex is not just a physical encounter. Sexual education is not just a biological or theological issue. Sexuality is a multidimensional issue; teaching it requires a holistic perspective and unique approach. This countercultural 6-week course is designed to help you transform your student’s view of sexuality. Using biblical truth, scientific understanding, and counseling tools we provide real, practical solutions to core issues surrounding our sexuality. Building biblical perspective on sexuality and foundational principals including: the nature of God, identity, the purpose of sex, the effects of sexual behaviors in our body, soul, and spirit, and building vision for sexual purity that will last though the single years, into marriage, and beyond! THIS TEACHING GUIDE INCLUDES: Six complete lesson plans Topical scriptures Leader’s note to guide you through your lesson Six small group outlines Reflection and activation opportunities Parent and pastor letters How to make a purity plan Illustrations, media clips, and more ... Frequently asked questions ... and answers! Purity is a lifestyle of holiness: being separate from anything that debases, contaminates, or pollutes our body, soul, or spirit. INTENDED FOR AGES 12+