Delta Blues From Darkness to Light
Delta Blues is the true story of life coach and author Terry S. Smith. In addition to being gripped with Smith's own story, readers will be helped in their own personal walk. After a traumatic childhood, Dr. Smith became a treasured personal counselor. In Delta Blues, he shows how, with good information, time and a safe place, an individual can uncover internal, false beliefs and triumph. As one of the earliest life coaches, Smith has listened to over 10,000 life stories, helping people suffering with PTSD (military veterans & others), OCD, alcohol addition, drug addition, depression, marital conflict and general despair."Delta Blues chronicles the healing and joy that can result from honest and persistent attention to one's personal reality and the personal reality of others. The story outlines the process of reflection and contemplation leading from brokenness and pain to awareness and wholeness." Joseph McLaughlin, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University Professor of Psychology & Child Psychologist "Delta Blues is a vivid record of a child raised in the darkness of fear and insecurity, but who overcame the darkness and was raised to light and life. It is also a love story that breaks the relational cycle of death handed down from generations. You may find yourself revealed in its pages and be freed from the unconscious gods which have controlled you for too long. Having emerged from the depths of the toxic waste of his turbulent childhood, Terry Smith now returns at great risk to those murky waters to attempt the rescue of other victims who have lost their sense of direction and are on the verge of losing their lives. Delta Blues is a story of victory over the "hidden gods" that we unconsciously allow to control our lives." James S. Woodroof, Author, Teacher & Mentor