Syzygy: Songs for Fools and Magicians
Honora Finkelstein's poetry is an outgrowth of her life-long desire to examine, understand, and communicate ideas about the spectrum of human relationships and emotions. She believes much shift has occurred during the second half of the 20th century as both genders in our culture have begun to assimilate into their psyches the archetypal roles played out through earlier centuries by members of the opposite gender. And so as women have learned the best aspects of becoming warriors, men are learning more about loving and nurturing their fellow humans. Thus, underlying many of the poems in Sygyzy is Finkelstein's understanding of reincarnation, especially as a metaphysical means of allowing all personalities to experience the fullness of life as both genders and in all archetypal roles. It is her belief that as humans eschew fear and embrace and honor each other and the oneness of all life, they will truly become magicians.