Our Journey, Your Journey a Practical Guide for Cancer Patients and Their Caregivers
"Our Journey, Your Journey" clearly summarizes the key elements of a patient's often fragmented medical history into one concise source for the benefit of patient, family and oncologist. This personal medical journal blends inspiration with practical patient information for the great benefit of patient-provider communication." Dr. Bret Brinker, Md, MS (oncologist) A cancer diagnosis is the beginning of an emotional rollercoaster ride. I've designed this to be used as a day planner, to record events, appointments, side effects, contact information, prescriptions and so much more. It includes the story of our journey through cancer and all that we learned. It includes space for the patient or caregiver to record their own journey as well. With the help of an oncologist and social worker I believe this comprehsive tool to be the one book you will take to every appointment. It is compact enough for a purse or briefcase and sprial bound to lay open on desk or nightstand.
This guide will help you understand the normal feelings that come along with the cancer journey. It will give you the opportunity to explore those feelings deeper and give you hope and inspiration along the way."