An Illustrated Guide to the Spiritual Life (The River of Peace Series)
An illustrated guide to the spiritual life? How can those elusive, invisible realities be captured on paper? Perhaps paper cannot hold them, but the imagination can! Images enhance spiritual sight: surely, that's why our Lord used so many images in His parables, even putting live children in front of his disciples as object lessons, when they couldn’t “get it” any other way. Since Jesus also praised a childlike entrance into His Kingdom on earth, explore these simple images in the same spirit, looking to see if they might lead you "like a little child" beyond your present horizons of thought. This "Illustrated Guide" was created for the general reader: however it is also a perfect companion booklet for "The Missing Peace: Recovering a Whole Life in a Broken World," which is a compilation of the lessons from Healing Streams’ "Matters of the Heart: A Workbook for Personal Transformation," the seminar that "birthed" these images.