Unladylike: Resisting the Injustice of Inequality in the Church
In the contemporary church, women are held back from positions of authority and leadership simply because they are women. Gender matters instead of gifting or calling. From the pulpit to the home front of marriage, women of faith are taught that men lead and women assist. But is this biblical? Has God created women for helper roles?
In her book, Unladylike: Resisting the Injustice of Inequality in the Church, author Pam Hogeweide confronts the patriarchal view of women that has been mistaken as God’s divine will. Not so, writes Pam, who dismantles the discrimination of women in churches by reexamining her beliefs. Pam tells how she changed from being neutral about the roles of women in the church when she realized it was an issue of justice rather than theology.
Combining history, theology and vivid storytelling, Unladylike is a call to women and men of faith to join Pam in resisting the injustice of inequality in the church.