Body Mind & Spirit "The Awakening: 21 Day Guide That Will Change Your Life"
As a result of a major epiphany, James Hackley was able to lose an amazing 50lbs of fat in just 4 months and has sculpted his 46 yr-old body into the best shape ever. He has learned to significantly reduce stress, quiet the mind and get in touch with his spirit like never before. As a result, he's been able to free himself from a lifetime sentence of high blood pressure and high cholesterol prescription medications. More importantly, he's been able to inspire those around him to do the same.\nIn his latest release Body, Mind & Spirit: The Awakening, James explores the root causes of why we overeat, refuse to exercise, live chaotic lives and fail to accomplish the goals that God has intended for your life since the dawn of time. This is not just another diet or weight loss (loss of fat and muscle) book. Diets simply don't work and James emphasizes how we need to be more concerned about fat loss. In fact, this guaranteed bestseller would be better categorized as a Negativity Loss guide; loss of negative fat, negative habits, negative foods, negative people, negative thoughts and negative actions. This guide arms you with knowledge and encouragement to put a plan into action to finally master the things that have long mastered you.