The Faithful Witness: Studies in the Person of Jesus Christ
Christianity is more than an idea, philosophy or moral code. It is the experiential knowledge of the living breathing man at the right hand of the Father and allegiance to Him above all else. On the road to Emmaus, the resurrected Lord took the disciples on a guided tour through the Law, the Psalms, and the Prophets interpreting for them everything in the Scriptures concerning Himself. Upon journeying through the Scriptures the disciples proclaimed, “Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked with us on the road and when He opened the Scriptures?” The Revelation of Jesus Christ, illuminated by the Holy Spirit through the Scriptures and in our consciousness is the Father’s number one strategy to cause the human heart to come alive in love, transform our wills and emotions in righteousness and bring about our perfection for “when we see Him, we will be like Him.” This is the rock on which the church is built and the most precious gift only God can give the human heart. The aim of this study guide is to start you on that same journey through the Scriptures that you too would begin to discover the Living Word within the pages of the written Word waiting to be found by you. And that upon this discovery you yourself would begin to feel the fire of love and devotion kindled in your heart for the Person of Jesus Christ.