The Birds of Bidwell Park
Quick Overview An Illustrated Introduction to the Fascinating Birds of Bidwell Park Without some effort on the part of the observer, all birds seem similar. This book gives personalities to the many different but most common birds of Bidwell Park. Although not a comprehensive field guide, you should be able to identify virtually all of the birds you are likely to spot in the park during a casual stroll or a long hike any time of year using this book. Bidwell Park is a wonderful place to see birds because it is both semi-wild and very accessible. It is good birdwatching for both the beginner and expert. Because of the terrain, vegetation, human use, and elevation change, the bird life is alittle different between the western and eastern parts of the park. Nearly 200 species of birds have been sighted in Bidwell Park, but some are seen only at certain times of the year and others rarely at any time. This book introduces you to 86 of these wonderful inhabitants. Author: Roger Lederer, PhD Illustrated: Carol Burr, PhD