Mindful Parent Happy Child: A Guide To Raising Joyful and Resilient Children
You are eager to exit your front door and rush to an important business meeting, but at breakfast, your precious child spills milk all over the hot pancakes you just made, turning them into mush. Your knee-jerk reaction is an uncontrolled yell and an obvious expression of frustration and disappointment.
Most of the immediate reactions we have, with our kids or otherwise, are a result of the early 'hard-wiring' in our brain we developed mostly in our childhood, from the adults around us. How do we improve our parenting and instil a deep parent - child connection if the hard-wiring in our brain makes us behave in ways we wish we could take back? We can choose new wiring by practicing principles and model presented in "Mindful Parent Happy Child". When parents practice these methods, they are on a path of not only growing joyful and resilient children but they are directly participating in growing a more compassionate world.