Shmirshky: think inside the box
Got a vagina? Know someone who does? If yes, then Shmirshky is for you (if no, then you're probably an alien from outer space welcome!). Shmirshky is the first menopause book of its kind it's quick, funny, and full of love! Rest assured, this is not your mother's menopause book. The truth is, your mother probably never had a menopause book, and if she did, she probably thought it was really boring. Let's face it, menopause doesn't have the best reputation in the world. It's rarely talked about, and when it is, it's usually quickly dismissed and often dreaded. Shmirshky redefines this time in a woman's life, turning a taboo topic into an all-inclusive page-turner. Whether you're a forty-five-year-old woman in perimenopause or an eighteen-year-old guy who thinks his mom is in need of an exorcism, Shmirshky is the perfect introduction to a subject we all encounter in one way or another. If you think menopause is a crummy experience, then Shmirshky is right up your alley!