Keeper of the Flame
You are about to embark on a journey that will take you around the world and back in time. Jim Stovall's masterfully crafted prose will enlighten your soul, taking you places where other people from other times will act as a mirror to help you understand your own time and place and, more importantly, yourself. Knowledge is built upon knowledge. Humanity is separated from all other creatures in that human beings can exchange knowledge with one another so that one person may learn from the experiences of literally hundreds who have gone before. Knowledge is the first step to understanding and acceptance, just as ignorance is the first step to confusion, misunderstanding, bigotry, and hatred. He who would have peace and tranquility must first embrace knowledge and learning. We fear that which we do not know. We can only love that which we intimately know and understand. Jim Stovall has created another epic masterpiece destined for the silver screen. Keeper of the Flame will explode in the theater of your mind causing you to think like you never have and live like you never thought you could.