Wisconsin Horse Trails WSHC Trail Directory
This book is a comprehensive travel guide to over 100 public horseback riding trails and campgrounds in Wisconsin. Trail riding enthusiasts can explore more than 1,500 miles of recreational trails. Privately owned equestrian trails and campgrounds are featured in the various ads throughout the book. This is a user-friendly guide, full-size, full-color, and spiral binding. Planning your riding experiences is easy with the regional layout of the book, allowing the rider to completely explore all the equestrian trails in any particular area. The book includes trail details, maps, where to eat, where to stay, local contact information, and pages for your own notes. In addition, the book contains educational articles dealing with equestrian trail issues, such as riding responsibly, volunteerism, trail problems and solutions, and working with land managers to benefit equestrian trails. Horsemen and women will find this a valuable tool in planning a horseback riding vacation in Wisconsin.