Brain Games for Babies, Toddlers & Twos: 140 Fun Ways to Boost Development
Peek-a-boo and patty cake are time-honored traditions, but your baby's brain is bursting with the potential for so much more. A toddler's brain is twice as active as that of a college student, presenting a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for learning. Stimulate your baby's brainpower with this collection of 140 fun-filled games devised to increase brain development during the critical period from 0-3 years. Grouped by age and accompanied by information on related brain research, the games have been developed meet the needs of each stage of your child's young life--from a newborn's hand-eye coordination to an infant's language acquisition to a toddler's movements and musical ability. Your child will love the one-on-one attention these activities afford and the chance to show off his burgeoning brainpower. And, with 140 games to choose from, there is always a new, exciting challenge just one page away.