The Concise Kama Sutra: Based on the Original Translation by Sir Richard Burton
The Kama Sutra can open up a world of enchantment, bliss, and sensation to those who understand its teachings. One of the oldest and most famous works of eroticism ever written, this undeniably frank and beautifully illustrated book offers instruction in the "science of pleasure." Modern readers will take delight in a new, wonderfully readable version that includes up-to-date commentary on the text's meaning (including the famous 64 doctrines of pleasure) and breathtaking traditional Indian art in every spread. More than just a manual of sexual positions, it covers courtship and marriage as well, poetically teaching lovers how to care for themselves and their homes, the proper way of life, erotic techniques, different sexual characteristics, what to do when passion take over, how to increase sexual attraction, and far more. A treat for the eye and stimulation for the senses and mind.