The Universal Story: The Complete History of the Studio and All Its Films
They sent chills down your spine with Dracula; made you laugh with Abbot & Costello and cry with ET; and nearly scared you to death with The Birds, Jaws, and Jurassic Park. Universal Studios' phenomenal success didn't come easily, and theirs is a tale worthy of a movie itself. Founded in 1912 by the legendary Carl Laemmle, Universal struggled hard in the early days to compete with its rivals, finally succeeded in the 1920s, and then began a roller coaster of ups and downs that climaxed in the new millennium with its status as a true industry leader. The major players included directors Hitchcock, Ford, Scorsese, Stone, and Lee and actors De Niro, Pacino, Streep, and Sarandon. Through an analysis of each movie, from the golden silents to Schindler's List, the exciting history of one of the world's greatest studios comes alive.