Flowers of the world;
From the front flap of this 320 page book: "This magnificent book will serve many purposes to readers all over the world; it will help identify an enormous number of flowers that they can see growing in the wild or that can be grown in their own gardens; it will introduce plants, common and rare from foreign countries; it will provide information about cultivating plants either outdoors, under glass, or indoor in pots; in fact, it will prove to be a botanical garden in the home. The text introduces the major plant families of the world, arranged in alphabetical order. The principal characteristics of each family are given and then a selection of genera and species is described and illustrated. Within this book the author, Frances Perry, tells the botanical, horticultural and historical story of thousands of flowers. Not only has she succeeded in giving precise botanical information about the plants she includes, but lively historical anecdotes, enthralling accounts of how many familiar plants were first discovered and popularized, and stories about the origins of their names make this an immensely readable book. There are also fascinating details of how the different plants were used in their native lands in the past and how they are presently used. There are many practical hints for growing and caring for plants as well as invaluable information about how they can be most effective in gardens. The paintings, botanically accurate to the smallest detail, make this book so beautiful that anyone will enjoy just browsing through it. Some of the plants portrayed have been selected for their sheer loveliness; others because they are particularly interesting or unusual; and many more because they are so well known and loved. The author and artist have collaborated closely throughout this massive project, with the result that text and pictures are completely complementary. Every illustrated plant is thoroughly described in text."