The Silent Note
The Silent Note tells an intriguing story of an old piano that conceals a daunting secret; a tale of a young pianist, who, in her era, struggled to choose courtship over her first love music. But her own fate is about to be discovered when an antique collector, Maria Weisman, rescues the aging piano from an auction, nearly a century later. Sadly, a sudden illness takes young Maria. Left behind is her husband, John Weisman, and Melissa, his four-year-old daughter. Melissa, after a year of grieving with her father, finds comfort when she aspires to become a pianist. Whiles she plays on her mother's old piano, she strikes a note that reveals a love saga, hidden for decades. The spellbinding mystery leads John and his daughter on a journey to seek answers that may hold the key to their future happiness. - Look for Return to Kingston, the sequel to The Silent Note. After solving a mind-baffling mystery, a sense of calm brings peace to John Weisman's life until suddenly, a new discovery takes him and his fiancé on a romantic journey to seek answers hidden in Kingston's past.