In Winter's Moment: A Novel based on a true story
The envelope was of odd shape, as if it were no longer the size they had been making; the edges brown, musty, smelled of some faint or long ago whiff of perfume, or a mist of fragrance my mother must have worn years before. I moved to break the seal and read out her words to me. The message was not from a bottle, but a message written from the pen of her own spirit."I suppose the time has come for us to part ways. The reading of this letter signifies I am gone from this world, and it is not to my liking that we are separate from one another for a span that I no more can predict or estimate, than I could have ever desired for us. I have the burden Conner that you are in trial now and the world will seem as no sense to you. I often wondered what words would be appropriate at this juncture; what measure or saying that would fit the tragedy you and I now feel so strained with."It is for me, the first moment where I knew the loss of someone I loved, and also to have become that very same loss to my own child "