Abbreviated Field Guide to Mammal Behavior: New England Region
Abbreviated Field Guide to Mammal Behavior - New England Region includes species accounts of 30 wild mammals detailing particular aspects of their natural history. Succinct descriptions of each animal's behavior follow the headings of Activity, Habitat, Communication, Food, Anatomy & Senses, Breeding, Gestation & Birth, Dispersal of Young and Miscellaneous.If you wish to enhance your experience of animal tracking, delve more deeply into interpreting wildlife observations or simply learn more about wild mammal behavior in general, this field guide is designed to be slipped into your pocket as you head out the door. Whether you are a tracker, naturalist, hunter, conservationist or wildlife enthusiast, this Abbreviated Field Guide to Mammal Behavior will prove to be a valuable resource for enriching your understanding of and appreciation for the lives of wild animals.