Art 2.0 of the Deal: Donald J. Trump Hits the Wall
Product Description Art 2.0 of the Deal: Donald J. Trump Hits the Wall is the cautionary tale of a self-proclaimed "stable genius" and modern day dystopian anti-hero à la Winston in George Orwell's 1984. The "outsider" President soon proves himself to be unprepared and unfit to deal with a global pandemic that threatens the lives of U.S. citizens. More importantly to this incumbent, the "invisible enemy" endangered Trump's campaign and prospects for reelection.This art hysterical tour de farce - a portrait of our time - is a GPS through the Twilight Zone, filled with iconic visual CliffsNotes mile markers to art history, a reality show president, partisan politics, deals, corruption, the coronavirus pandemic, and a New Normal where life and fact are immeasurably stranger than fiction.The award-winning illustrator/author, Cathy Hull, skillfully guides readers through the harrowing twists and hairpin turns of the 2020 political landscape, 45's motivations and machinations, and the resulting unintended consequences. Fasten your seatbelt, it's a bumpy ride!Tired of all the rhetoric, pontification, and analysis? Just kick back and enjoy the artwork. Get the picture?Art 2.0 of the Deal opens with Trump's acquittal following his impeachment where the author's debut book, Art 101 of the Deal: Donald J. Trump Off the Wall left off. It concludes with the ultimate made-for-TV season finale or perhaps series cliffhanger: an uncertain future to be determined by voters in what conspiracy theorists such as POTUS himself call "a rigged election." The inefficiency of the electoral system combined with slow mail delivery during a pandemic are cause for concern; the plot never ceases to thicken. Take a front row seat and view the Trump Show in vivid detail and living color.Be aware - there is no intermission. This president, in effect, called dibs on the election avowing defeat was neither an option nor a possibility. Stay tuned. See what happens....Meanwhile, Donald Trump and Cathy Hull continue to be the gift that keeps on giving. Laughter is infectious. Pass it on. Review Reviews for Art 101 of the Deal: Donald J. Trump off the Wall"These are difficult times. and this is the life preserver you need to keep your head above water. Cathy Hull takes on the president with a satirist's rapier wit and a creative ability to make old master paintings explain the world to us in new ways. In this handsomely produced book, her bite is even more dangerous than her bark. In page after page, she skewers him and pins his craziness to the page. Each exquisitely crafted image gives us layer upon layer of things to think about, at the same time prompting a huge YES. Cathy Hull-more please! We desperately need help to navigate the next months too." -Mike, Museum Director, Educator"Hull ranks among the very best of satirists through the ages. This is a masterpiece." -M. Thomson, author, Dreaming of Oranges"It's hard to find something to laugh about right now but if you love, art, decency, democracy you'll love Cathy Hull's masterful new book, Art 101 of the Deal: Donald J. Trump off the Wall. And you've got the time to read and enjoy and share it." -Paint Book, Florence Janovic Author, The Hospital Experience: A Guide for Patients and Their Families About the Author Author/illustrator Cathy Hull has always viewed and depicted the world, politics, and current events through the lens of art history. Decades before the stimulating creative art challenges, the pandemic, lockdowns, Zoom calls, and virtual happy hours; the artist -- inspired by the masters -- began juxtaposing incongruous icons and symbols in familiar settings to convey striking comparisons. We might have progressed from cave drawings to emojis, but images -- universal and constant across human history - still do more than just literally represent an idea. Creatives are no strangers to self-isolation -- most are now doing what they have always done -- working remotely from home