Freedom through Numbers offers a new take on using your personal numerology blueprint to reach your full potential and attain freedom and fulfillment related to your life purpose. This book teaches you how to apply your numbers to the process of making changes in your life, taking numerology to the next level by using it as a tool to achieve physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual freedom. You'll learn how to create practical actions, with a word lists and affirmations, to move forward in your life. Freedom through Numbers guides you to discover and accentuate your best traits and talents, and change old patterns and beliefs that no longer apply to your life. Who you are-and who you have been told that you are-may be very different. Your numerology Blueprint is the true you. By determining your personal numbers and learning how to work with them to create change in your life, you activate your numerology blueprint, applying your numerology information to your practical everyday life.. This book can be used by beginners starting on their path and experienced numerologists alike.
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