Income Strategies: How to create a tax-efficient withdrawal strategy to generate retirement income.
Professor Reichenstein's research shows creating a tax-efficient withdrawal strategy to generate retirement income can add up to seven years of added longevity for someone in retirement. The book was written for financial advisors to illustrate how they can add considerable value to clients portfolios by helping them combine a smart Social Security claiming strategy with a tax-efficient withdrawal strategy that minimizes the adverse consequences of these tax-code complexities, while taking advantage of the more favorable tax environment that is scheduled to exist through 2025.
The book is a compilation of key lessons from Reichenstein's published academic research delivered with case studies that can be applied to retirees. The rules for accumulating savings for retirement do not apply when a family transitions to decumulation and needs to figure out how to tap savings to support their spending. Generating retirement income from savings is complicated and needs to incorporate key variables like Social Security, Medicare, Roth Conversions, and tax minimization.
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