There Are No Old People in Heaven: You're Not Getting Old, You're Getting Ready
Old age and death stalk us. Ferociously.\nSure, we can run. We can feign, dodge, and duck all we want. But everyone knows youth, with all its promise and passion, is fleeting. The tight abs of our twenties will give way to the swinging triceps of our seventies and eighties—and the day may come when we can’t tell a penny from a dime.\nWhich makes the remarkable age-old truths from God’s Word that Steve Lyon helps us unlock in There Are No Old People in Heaven that much sweeter. In this compelling journey from Jesus Christ’s heart to your promise, you’ll discover a broken mind and body wasn’t the end of His story; and He is absolutely committed to making sure it’s not the end of yours.
You’ll learn to shake off Satan’s lie that growing old is the ultimate legacy of having lived—and find out, instead, it’s God’s way of getting you ready to be what you were created to be: The perfect version of you, exploding in flawlessness as you serve Him in a never-ending moment that’s His to glory in and yours to enjoy!