Current Essential Oil Clinical Research: 100 Recent Peer-Reviewed Articles Published 2009-2014 Volume 1-Raindrop & Bible Oils
The authors have created an annotated bibliography of recent clinical studies on the powerful essential oils used in Raindrop Technique and found in the Bible. These oils are currently being used to mitigate dis-ease and replace harmful chemicals in diverse applications and industries from aquaculture to agriculture, food safety, animal husbandry, biofuel, textiles, cosmetics, and food flavorings. Includes over 100 reports of clinical studies of essential oils and plant extracts published in peer-reviewed scholarly journals between 2009-April, 2014. Indexed by research topic including many kinds of cancer, pain, inflammation, etc. A short section on additional oils is included as well as several important studies before 2009. Trends in essential oil research are discussed and diverse list of journal names included in the book is included. An appendix of blended oils is included, with many of their single oils also detailed in the book. Published July, 2014; First Edition Volume 1.