Sonoran Desert Life: Extensive Coverage of the Anza-Borrego and Colorado Deserts
575 superb colored plates, created from 1,500 digital images, aid in understanding the wonder and
complexity of the Sonoran Desert, and its inhabitants.
Enlarged to 6.25 x 9.25 to increase overall picture size and improve details of the picture inserts.
Describes in depth and beautifully illustrates 365 plant species from 81 families. Designed to aid the
reader in identifying correctly the stunningly beautiful plants of the Sonoran Desert.
Carried easily when you venture out to enjoy the desert. Written to enable the whole family to better
understand and more fully enjoy their time together in this special place of continued wonder.
Hosts of desert creatures, including birds, amphibians, reptiles, invertebrates, and mammals are
pictured; fascinating aspects of their behavior and place in desert life are described and explained.
Provides full coverage of the commonly found annuals, perennials, cacti, shrubs, and trees. This field
guide offers special help in distinguishing between plants that can be confused easily and incorrectly
A comprehensive glossary that covers 250 simply described, and easy to understand technical terms.
Provides a thoughtful and insightful understanding of and appreciation for this special and unique
Materials are provided for the advanced reader including field tested keys and tables to species,
genera, and families.
Valuable information is provided on what plants can be consumed, and those that need to be
avoided. A helpful source for people who have pollen allergies.
Affordably priced yet made with the