God Says, We Say: The Interpersonal Act of Redemption
This book develops the meaning of creation by saying how God must have created "out of nothing" perfect finite persons only, and had to create "out of something" --out of the remnants of our response--something that was crashed or fallen: in order to redeem those who said MAYBE in the originative creation. GENESIS is shown to be the story of the second creation (out of dust, a rib, et al.)and quite distinct from the first creation. Creationists and evolutionists share the same flaw. They think of creation or the origin of things as involving a process, whether that process is six days or six aeons.The inheritance of original sin from Adam is seen as the immediate vehicle through which everyone conceived in this world inherits his or her own originative sin, committed along with Adam and Eve in response to the originative creation (out of nothing).This volume is the second of a trilogy, entitled WHEN GOD SAID BE, WE SAID MAYBE: AN INSIDE STORY OF THE CREATION, THE CRASH, AND THE RECOVERY OF BEING.