Blessed With Cancer (A Story of Love, Courage and Survival)
Blessed With Cancer tells the story of a young, attractive and successful business woman and mother, who discovered a lump in her breast just months after the loss of her good friend to cancer. This begins her journey through the pain of cancer surgeries, treatments and eventual recovery as she fights for her life. Along the way, she also discovers the many blessings she encounters on this path with the support of her family, friends, neighbors, the community, professional doctors and nurses, and even from complete strangers that touched her life in their own unique ways. Each special blessing confirmed what was meant to be and encouraged her every step to do whatever it took to survive. As her story unfolds, you will realize two very important lessons, as she did, that life is too precious to let anything take that away from you, and the old adage that "whatever doesn't kill you will make you stronger." Linda also knows from personal experience that not everyone survives their Breast Cancer battle. Yet, she strongly believes that everyone can win in life if they "fight the good fight" and make the most of the rest of their life for their friends and their families, but most of all, for themselves.