The Runes of the Earth: **Signed**
In 1977, Stephen Donaldson changed the face of epic fantasy. With the publication of THE CHRONICLES OF THOMAS COVENANT THE UNBELIEVER, Donaldson took the world of fantasy publishing by storm, and created a true phenomenon: an epic fantasy instant bestseller that has gone on to sell millions. The 'hero', Thomas Covenant, is a leper, abandoned by his wife and young son in case he 'infects' them. Covenant's life has shrunk to encompass himself alone: his mantra is VSE: Visual Surveillance of Extremities. He's already lost two fingers to the disease. He is an angry, depressed and bitter man. When he is drawn into a mysterious new world, where gentle people work magic and the earth itself brings healing, he is welcomed as the reincarnation of a legendary saviour. But Covenant refuses to believe; he's convinced he's having delusions fuelled by the leprosy. He takes out his fury and pain by raping the girl who wanted only to help him. There are no concessions here: Covenant is as believable and unpleasant a character as you will find anywhere. Now comes the book every fantasy reader has been waiting for. Dr Linden Avery, the Chosen, Covenant's companion, is drawn back to the Land.