The cylinder musical box handbook
The fascination of musical boxes is such that more and more people have begun collecting these historic, delicate and beautiful instruments. Answering a real need, Graham Webb's book gives advice on how to choose them, and is illustrated with his own photographs of fine specimens. A useful list of manufacturers also helps one's choice. However, musical boxes often need some attention before their best performance is brought out, and giving them to a professional may mean a long wait. The Cylinder Musical-Box Handbook is prepared primarily for the enthusiast who want to restore to working order the boxes he has had the luck to find. A large number of clear and detailed line drawings and photographs, together with a comprehensive text, gives all the steps in cleaning a movement, restoring a case, making minor adjustments and repairs, repinning a cylinder, replacing broken teeth and tips, and redampering a comb. Cylinder musical boxes that need little attention can be set right if their owner turns to the appropriate section of the appropriate chapter; but if a box needs a thorough overhaul, the whole job can be done at home by following this handbook. The author recommends tools and replacement parts readily accessible to the layman; in the rare cases where this is not possible he has advised where to obtain them.