A Gospel for a New People: Studies in Matthew
This major new book discusses the appropriate methods for the interpretation of Matthew's gospel and considers in detail its origin, purpose, and social setting.
Professor Stanton claims that Matthew wrote following a period of prolonged bitter disputes with fellow Jews. With considerable literary, catechetical and pastoral skill the evangelist composed a gospel for a new people: fellow-Christians (both Jews and Gentiles) in a cluster of Christian communities who were defining themselves over against local synagogues.
In Part I Professor Stanton discusses redaction critical, literary critical, and social scientific approaches to the interpretation of Matthew. He shows that sociological models help to clarify Matthew's purposes and the circumstances of the Christian communities for whom he wrote.
Part II confirms from a number of angles the extent to which Matthew's gospel has been shaped by the 'parting of the ways' with Judaism. Part III includes two essays on the Sermon on the Mount, and one on Matthew's use of the Old Testament.