My Friend the Holy Spirit
In Mark Peterson's debut book, he guides you through the surface of scripture into a deeper understanding about the One who longs for your friendship. Using his own astonishing experiences and other remarkable stories, Mark opens your eyes to a vivid picture of the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit, dedicating a chapter to each of the nine gifts. Discover what it's like to really hear God's voice and what Jesus meant when he told His disciples that it was better He go so that the Holy Spirit could come (John 16). Using scripture and other references, Mark helps you take a firm hold on all that was meant for you and get to know the most amazing friend you will ever have, the Holy Spirit. So what does it mean to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit? What are the 9 gifts of the Spirit and how do they work? How do I hear the voice of God? This comprehensive book covers topics such as: The Baptism of the Spirit The 9 Gifts of the Spirit How to operate in the Gifts Hearing the Voice of God This book is great for general reading or for use in study groups. All your questions about the gifts answered, such as: Are tongues for today? Does God still heal? What is the correct biblical way to operate in the gifts? This is a comprehensive, yet easy to understand book to help you understand Who the Holy Spirit is, What he does and how He can truly change your life.