Starve the Ego: Feed the Soul! Souldrama: Ignite Your Spiritual Intelligence!
This is a story about relationships. A story about a man named Iye who has been searching for his soulmate. In order to find his partner he must leave the land of Ego and pass through seven doors of spiritual transformation of souldrama. Each door offers and challenge and a gift upon its completion. Will he complete the journey? Today, we seem to search for meaning and purpose in our lives and begin a spiritual journey as we ask ourselves,"Is this all there is? " What keeps people stuck in relationships, careers, addictions? Souldrama helps us to move past the resistance in our lives preventing us from accessing our higher purpose. Souldrama integrates all three levels of intelligences, our rational, emotional, and spiritual, through a group process that puts spirituality into action. The end result helps us to create spiritually intelligent leadership. Souldrama moves group therapy and psychodrama to another level, that of the transpersonal.