If we don't stop doing what we're doing, the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink will soon be contaminated with enough radioactivity to endanger you, your family and, in fact, all life on earth. NUCLEAR MADNESS Within the next ten years there could be a nuclear war which could kill up to 90% of Americans within thirty days. Nuclear war threatens us with the final medical epidemic for which there is no cure. Parents must take responsibility for their children's future and demand bilateral nuclear disarmament. What Should You Do? What MUST You Do? You can no longer entrust your life to politicians, bureaucrats, or "experts." Because what they don't killing you. Dr. Helen Caldicott-pediatrician, mother of three, concerned citizen-almost singlehandedly rallied the Australian protest which stopped French South Seas atomic testing. Now, in a concise, eloquent book which clearly describes the nuclear danger, she tells you exactly what you can do, what you must do now, to make your voice count against the nuclear madness.