Duck, Duck, Moose
PreSchool-Grade 2-In a hilarious take on family vacations, two ducks convince a reluctant New Hampshire moose to join them on their migratory car trip to Florida for the winter. A poor sport on the journey, Moose finds the warm, fun-filled sunshine state to be more exciting than he could possibly have imagined. When it's time to return home, a crying Moose is loathe to leave (to the disgust of his duck buddies) but then finds he can create a bit of Florida up north. The delight in this book is in Horowitz's goofy characters. The pencil and charcoal cartoons, digitally colored in bright hues, show an endearing protagonist that youngsters will embrace. Easy enough to read independently, and funny enough for adults to enjoy sharing with children, this book about a road-tripping trio will be welcome in most collections.