The Sleep Sheep
Sylvie wants to count the sheep so that she can finally fall asleep, but how can she if they won't stay still? Dancing, skating, swimming sheep--it's exhausting keeping up with them!
"You're exasperating, Sylvie," her mother says. "I'm not trying to be exasperating, Mommy," Sylvie replies, "I just can't sleep!" "Why don't you try counting sheep?" her mom suggests. So Sylvie tries. She shuts her eyes and imagines hundreds and hundreds of sheep, all in a row. But no sooner have the sheep lined up than they start to jig! And jog. And rollerblade and scooter and skateboard. Straight to the beach, where they go swimming! After all this activity, the sheep start to nap. At last they're still! Now Sylvie can count them: "1, 2, 3, Zzzz" The sheep thought she'd never nod off!