Introductory Algebra: An Interactive Approach: For McDaniel College
About the Author
Patricia Hooper has published three books of poetry and four children's books. She won the 2003 Bluestem Prize for poetry for "Aristotle's Garden, " published by Emporia State University's Bluestem Press. Another of Patricia's collections of poetry, "Other Lives, " was awarded the Norma Farber First Book Award of the Poetry Society of America. Her poems have appeared in many magazines including "The Atlantic Monthly, Poetry, The American Scholar, Ploughshares, The New Criterion, " and "The Hudson Review." A graduate of the University of Michigan, where she earned B.A. and M.A. degrees, she has been the recipient of many awards including: a 2003 Bluestem Prize for poetry, Bluestem Press is a imprint of Emporia State University Press; five Hopwood Awards; the Poetry Society of America's Bernice W. Ames Award; and a Writer's Community Residency Award from the National Writer's Voice. She lives in southeastern Michigan.