Essentials of Geology (with In-TERRA-Active 2.0 CD-ROM)
Reed Wicander and James S. Monroe give geology a real-world perspective in this lively and engaging text. You'll find everything your students need to know - from plate tectonics to minerals to volcanism to earthquakes-in this concise volume. Essentials of Geology provides your students with a basic understanding of geology and its processes, with and emphasis on plate tectonics and the role that shifting plates have on the Earth's dynamic systems. The text also has all the extra features you're looking for in an introductory volume: Internet integration, built-in study skills sections, stimulating Point to Ponder questions, and exceptional illustrations and photos throughout. Deftly woven into the narrative are historical, economic, and environmental themes that help students understand the principles of system interdependence that hold the key to Earth's balance.