Study Guide for Race to Save the Planet Telecourse, 1999 Edition
Study Guide for the Annenberg Telecourse. Designed to help telecourse students organize and comprehend the material presented on the 10 one-hour television programs, this Study Guide offers learning objectives, excercises, activities, glossaries, references and more for each of the 10 telecourse units. In addition, this guide presents three additional print-only units to complete the course. Faculty Guide for Race To Save The Planet/Race To Save The Planet Telecourse Videotapes & License For information about videos and print materials contact: The Annenberg, CPB Project, P.O. Box 2284, South Burlington, VT 05407-2284, 1-800-LEARNER. It includes specific learning objectives, principle themes, reading and writing assignments, questions for discussion, supplemental readings, and a test bank for each lesson. For information about licensing the telecourse contact: PBS Adult Learning Service, 1320 Braddock Place, Alexandria, VA 22314, 1-800-ALS-ALS-8.