Html Plus!
The key to creating documents on the proliferating World Wide Web is the powerful HyperText Markup Language 3 (HTML 3). Your key to learning that language is this comprehensive, hands-on guide.
Through discussions, charts and tables, and a wealth of examples and illustrations, HTML Plus! provides a solid grounding in the "how tos" of HTML - and the underlying "whys." You'll get an in-depth perspective on the features and techniques of basic HTML and the emerging HTML 3 standard, from handling typographic elements and images to building style sheets and multilingual documents. Along the way, a variety of projects let you practice applying the techniques for yourself. Author James Powell also includes objectives, summaries, and numerous HTML code examples to reinforce your learning. You'll even find an introduction to Java and complete chapters on Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML), Adobe Acrobat, and SGML.
The long and short of it? With HTML Plus!, you're not only close to creating Home Pages and managing collections of hypertext - you're already there.