Contemporary College Algebra and Trigonometry: A Graphing Approach (with CD-ROM, Make the Grade, and InfoTrac)
Intended to provide a flexible approach to the college algebra and trigonometry curriculum that emphasizes real-world applications, this text integrates technology into the presentation without making it an end in itself, and is suitable for a variety of audiences. Mathematical concepts are presented in an informal manner that stresses meaningful motivation, careful explanations, and numerous examples, with an ongoing focus on real-world problem solving. Pedagogical elements including chapter opening applications, graphing explorations, technology tips, calculator investigations, and discovery projects are some of the tools students will use to master the material and begin applying the mathematics to solve real-world problems. CONTEMPORARY COLLEGE ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY includes a full review of basic algebra in Chapter 0 and full coverage of trigonometry to prepare students for the standard science/engineering calculus sequence. (The companion volume, CONTEMPORARY COLLEGE ALGEBRA includes all of the non-trigonometry topics, covered in sufficient detail to prepare a student for a business/social science calculus course.) Those who are familiar with the author's CONTEMPORARY PRECALCULUS should note that this book covers topics in a different order, and with a slower, gentle approach. Also, more drill exercises are included.