Iguana Beach
Imagine seeing the warm, tropical ocean for the very first time, but not being able swim in it.Parent's ChoiceAward winner Kristine Franklin has created a character who knowsexactlywhat this is like. Little Reina persuades her mother to let her go to the beach with her uncle and cousins, but she has to promise to not go near the waves. But the beautiful blue-green ocean isfullof waves! Now Reina must sit on the hot, sandy beach until she can stand it no longer. With her uncle and cousins in pursuit, she runs down the beach, rounds a corner, and there, to everyone's complete astonishment and delight is a lovely, lazy lagoon. Best of all, it has no waves--the perfect place for her to swimwithoutbreaking her promise! Kris Franklin's exciting and satisfying tale and Lori Lohstoeter's lush, sunny paintings distinctly capture the sultry feel of the tropics, the cool ocean, and the indomitable spirit of a strong-willed little girl.
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