The Book of Blarney
It's not easy to say what Blarney is. It has been described as an ability to deceive without giving offense, a description that must surely have been thought up by someone who couldn't Blarney. Others say it's the gift of saying the right thing instead of the obvious. Whatever it is, Blarney is the secret weapon of the Irish, allowing the average Irishman to charm almost anyone.
Blarney is probably what St. Patrick used to drive the snakes from Ireland and THE BOOK OF BLARNEY has it all--from Shamrock Sham and Drinking Blarney to Taxi Blarney and Blarney Time. From Business Blarney to Sex Blarney, even Irish poets use Blarney, that unique form of Irish speech that tends to give a special spin to the meaning of words by the time they reach the ears of listeners.
The Irish are special, and Blarney is that special form of conversation that seeps into the marrow of your bones and weaves its way into the soul like Irish stew. Isn't the Blarney Stone itself, that symbol of the Irish that people are willing to bend all the way over backwards just to kiss, just another form of Blarney?