DRUM & CANDLE: First-hand Experiences and Accounts of Brazilian Voodoo & Spiritism.
David. St. Clair's book read like a critical review of Brazilian religion and spirituality. He asks questions about the educational background of practitioners, about superstitions, poverty, African influences...he starts this book as a critic, not as a "believer". What follows is a man's amazing journey through various Brazilian traditions - Spiritusm, Candomble, Umbanda and Quimbanda and not to forget "spirit healing" which in Brazil is sometimes not associated with any other practice! David. St. Clair writes in a clear and honest way. He is not afraid to ask himself in the course if this book many times "is this really happening?" Whan you have finished the book, you will see that David. St. Clair's attitude towards Brazilians and Brazilian spirituality has completely changed.