Picasso: Inside the Image : Prints from the Ludwig Museum-Cologne
Pablo Picasso was the most innovative graphic artist of this century. With his highly original printmaking techniques and unorthodox, nonlinear approach to style, he produced a body of work in this medium that has never been equaled. Picasso: Inside the Image focuses entirely on the graphic work, with examples from the outstanding collection of prints belonging to the German art historian Dr. Peter Ludwig. Etchings, lithographs, linocuts, engravings and aquatints from all periods of Picasso's career are illustrated in the finest detail. Many of them represent key documents in twentieth-century art: The Frugal Repast, the cubist Nude in an Armchair, Vollard Suite, and Minotauromachy among others - true masterpieces that demonstrate Picasso's imaginative and technical genius. Complementing this selection are full-color illustrations showing five rarely seen print plates.