The Lions and the Lambs;: Pool players and the game today
From the front flap of this 167 page book: "Professional billiards - pool hustling - is a sport that has fascinated men for years. Pool is an old, old game. It is mentioned in Cleopatra's time as well as Shakespeare's and Lord Byron's. Today pool hustlers are thought to be furtive, stereotyped characters, as popularized by the film 'The Hustler'. There are perhaps more misconceptions about billiards than any other sport. Now for the first time [this book] cuts through the myths and presents the sport and its participants as they really are. It should be emphasized that until this compilation there has been no decent book about billiards, and particularly no book-length treatment that separates the facts of billiards from the legends surrounding this most masculine of sports. A 'Lion', in the language of the players, means a gambler or hustler, one who can win when there is money on the table, a player with heart or courage, but not necessarily a tournament winner. These include: Ronnie