Custom Enrichment Module: California Politics and Government: A Practical Approach
Clear, concise, and straightforward, CALIFORNIA POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT: A PRACTICAL APPROACH, 10E, takes a unique nuts-and-bolts approach to give you insight into real-life politics. The authors use current examples and vivid explanations to decode the complexities of California politics, helping you understand how state government really works and what it means to you. Thoroughly updated, the new edition illustrates how key economic, social, education, and immigration issues impact California politics. The text includes new court cases on emotionally charged topics such as gay marriage, updates on the ongoing budget crisis, coverage of the 2008 elections, changes in government regulations, and more. The text also shows you how policy is made. In addition, public policy coverage is thoroughly integrated throughout the text so you can see firsthand how legislation and other government activities affect your world--now and in the future.