Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life
For the 11th edition of BIOLOGY: UNITY AND DIVERSITY OF LIFE, Cecie Starr and Ralph Taggart made it their goal to "solve" some of the toughest Introductory Biology course challenges. We introduce a new issues-oriented approach with engages students in current, motivating biological topics; a built-in cross-referencing system for key topics; and, most importantly, time-saving media resources for instructors. Show students how biology matters - Opening each chapter with engaging essays on hot issues and related online voting, the text highlights the connections between biology and real-life. Online exercises promote critical thinking about issues students will face as consumers, parents and citizens. Link concepts from chapter to chapter - Students often have a difficult time with this, so the authors created a "linking" tool. A list at the start of each chapter reminds students of related topics that were explained earlier. Within chapters, a key icon identifies cross-references to relevant sections in earlier chapters. As students work through the text, they see how topics build upon one another. Monitoring students' progress with ease - BiologyNowâ„ offers diagnostic quizzes with automatically graded results that flow directly into your instructor gradebook (iLrn, WebCT or BlackBoard). And, to assess students' progress instantly with in-class quizzes and polls, you can use JoinInâ„ on TurningPoint content and software. Easier lecture prep - The new PowerLecture tool integrates all chapter assets - art, photos, animations, videos, links to InfoTrac articles, web links and everything else you need into each chapter's lecture slides. This "buffet" of media resources-arranged by chapter section is at your fingertips. Just cut and paste what you want into your lecture file.