The Unknown Capablanca: Second, Revised Edition
One of the all-time chess greats, José Raúl Capablanca (1888-1942), won his first Cuban title at age 12 against Juan Corzo in 1901 and was undefeated from February 1916 until March 1924. This compilation of 203 games by the famous Cuban champion, nicknamed "the chess machine," is focused on his brilliant imaginative maneuvers and strategies displayed in his lesser matches and exhibitions. Included are consultation games, match and exhibition games, simultaneous games, and simultaneous games with clocks; all 13 games of Capablanca's wins over Corzo; and the European tour games from 1913 to 1914. Capablanca's complete chess record, an index of endgames, players, and chess journals and newspapers from the US, Cuba, France, and Eastern Europe give significant insight into the extraordinary Cuban genius who dazzled the world for almost forty years.